Huge TV Console Cabinet
Here is a TV console cabinet that was recently installed.

We have to disassemble the cabinet to get this old tv out
We have to disassemble the cabinet to get this old tv out

Remember how huge the old screens were?
Wall cutouts added for a TV jacket.

TV Console Cabinet Installed in Home
This is what the original installer did to fit a huge, heavy HDTV.

Pulling out the old heavy HDTV.
Out with the old! Our service men removing this heavy HDTV that took up way too much room.

Breaking down the old TV platform.
Breaking down the old TV platform.

Get that wood and wire mess out of there for the new LED HDTV install!
Get that wood and wire mess out of there for the new LED HDTV install!

Without the TV and platform we have this much space to work with.
Without the TV and platform we have this much space to work with.