Connecticut Orthopaedic Specialists - Patient Education System
Connecticut Orthopedic Specialists is comprised of 9 locations across Connecticut. They wanted to upgrade their audio system so all locations would be consistent. Some locations had music, some didn’t some had large screen TV’s, some had older models that needed to be upgraded. They also wanted to have custom marketing messages played on the TV’s in the waiting room; 30 minutes of every hour. Messages would be updated on a monthly basis ~ and in some cases, the messages would be customized to a specific location.
In addition to installing all of the equipment, Smarthome also coordinated the production of several 2- minute “How To” messages, such as ways to lift things without hurting your back. We contracted with audio-video Production Company and was filmed content on location, using actual PT and other staff members working with them on scripting and content.
We also worked with the marketing department to include their TV Commercials, doctor and patient interviews, special event messages and other helpful hits to round out the 30 minute messages each month